Final Product

POSTING THE FINAL MAGAZINE VERSION                                            04/08/2022

This is my final blog in which I will be posting anything regarding my magazine as the real final blog will simply include all of my Creative Critical Reflection responses. In this blog you shall just see the culmination of all of my hard work over the past couple months. In other words, I present to you all my final magazine cover, table of contents, and 2-page spread for my very own sports magazine called the Global Football Informer. 


Table of Contents:

2-Page Spread:


In total, it was quite a unique experience making this magazine and completing this project. For the most part, I really enjoyed this project and I hope you guys had a blast sharing this experience with me as well. Thank you so much and I will see you one more time before saying goodbye forever during blog #18, so enjoy it while it lasts folks.

Tools and Resources Utilized:

  • Rodriguez, Daniel. Daniel Rodriguez - AICE Media Studies, Blogger, 27 Jan. 2022,


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